International Journal of Data Science and Analysis

Special Issue

Efficient Design, Reusability and Exploitation of the Address Data Domain

  • Submission Deadline: 31 May 2024
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Andre Claude Bayomock Linwa
About This Special Issue
One of the main questions to qualify an action that occurs is the "Where" question. The "Where" helps to enhance an activity description by providing the location’ characteristics. The activity may be related to public, private, family or business affairs. The extended domains of the "Where" usability show its great importance in human life. The "Where" answer is a location, a place or an object position of a given action. The common word used to identify those information encapsulated in the "Where" answer is called an "Address".
The address information is either classified geo-located or administrative. The geo-located address uses world longitude/latitude/altitude coordinates (or Cartesian coordinates). The geographic location' result precision may be a fine granularity less than 10 meters from target object position or a large granularity answer for example the location of an action may be identified at the North, West, East, Center or South of a country, region or city. As of the administrative address, it may use country subdivisions defined by the government authorities or by the organization managers to identify the organization units' locations.
In many IT (Information Technology) projects, the address module is generally re-written. The main reason is that the addressing of the organization subdivisions and their units hierarchical relationships should be represented and mapped to the country subdivisions made by government authorities. Another reason is that managed objects are tightly coupled to an address, don’t keep a location quality for a discovery purpose due to the object mobility.
The main goal is to provide an efficient design, reusable and exploitable address module for software applications. The outcome of the work will help maintaining accurate address and reducing the software development costs.

Potential topics:

    Relational Model

      The research axis consists to design and proposed a set of relational data techniques and solutions that will speed the address management efficiency, quality and integration.

      Operational Data Integration

        The research axis consists to consider specific database engines, then design and propose a set of techniques and data algorithms that will improve the address query design and performance.

        BI Model

          The research axis consists to design and propose a set of BI data techniques and solutions that will speed the BI address management efficiency, quality and integration.t.

          Exploitable Data

            The research axis consists to consider specific database engines, then design and propose a set of relevant subjects ready to use, approaches or methodologies related to specific OLAP vendor, address data visualization and data reporting algorithms.

            Address Mobility

              This axis focus to develop mobility models and algorithms that improve the quality and the performance of an address research.

              Data Science/AI

                This axis focus to develop mobility models and algorithms that improve the quality and the performance of an address research.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Andre Claude Bayomock Linwa

    Department of Computer science, International University of Grand-Bassam, Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast

Guest Editors
  • Jules Raymond Kala

    Department of Data Sciences, International University of Grand Bassam, Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast

  • Ousmane Ag Dalla

    Department of Mathematics and Computing, International University of Grand Bassam, Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast

  • Bakary Touré

    Department of Mathematics and Computing, International University of Grand Bassam, Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast

  • Bangaly Kaba

    Faculty of Business/Management of Information Systems, Athabasca University, Edmonton, Canada

  • Celeste Bah

    Department of Computer Science, International University of Grand-Bassam, Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast

  • Soma Ouatarra

    Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Felix Houphouet-Boigny, Abidjan, Ivory Coast